ABOUT THAT TIME: Moundbuilder Check-In begins July 31 and August 1


Believe it or not, summer break for students is about to be in the rearview mirror.

Moundbuilder Check-In begins on Monday, July 31 and Tuesday, Aug. 1, as incoming first-year students will move into the residence halls at Southwestern College in Winfield, according to a press release from SC.

MEOW Days (first year orientation) and Builder Fest will kick off the 2023-2024 school year.

MEOW Days will serve as the orientation and welcome experience for new students. With the support of student orientation leaders and mentors, first-year students will learn about Southwestern College traditions, spirit, and expectations.

Each day will consist of indoor and outdoor interactive activities where students will be able to meet other students and connect with upper-classmates and mentors. It will also include opportunities for an exploration of the Winfield community and local businesses. MEOW Days will conclude with the tradition of Freshmen Workday on Friday, August 4, when students will work on service projects at local nonprofits and help several area homeowners with painting and landscaping.

Builder Fest begins Aug. 7 and consists of a number of activities for all students to participate in. Builder Fest will conclude with the Opening Convocation on Friday, Aug. 18.

New undergraduate students will be the first on campus. Registration will begin at 8 a.m., followed by students moving into residence halls. A family lunch will be from 11a.m—2 p.m., in the Roy L. Smith Student Center cafeteria. A Family Welcome ceremony begins at 4 p.m. in the Richardson Performing Arts Center.

Fall student-athletes (including transfers) will move in on Wednesday, Aug. 2. All other transfer and returning students will move in Friday, Aug. 11.

Some of the Builder Fest activities include:

• Monday, Aug. 14, classes begin for students.

• Tuesday, Aug. 15, Rock painting party from 6 to 8 p.m. on the Wallingford lawn.

• Thursday, Aug. 17, annual Moundbuilding Ceremony at 7 p.m., at Cole Mound Plaza at the bottom of the 77 Steps.

• Thursday, Aug. 17, SC football scrimmage, Jantz Stadium.

• Friday, Aug. 18, Opening Convocation at 11 a.m. in Richardson Auditorium.

Friends of Southwestern College are invited to attend the Moundbuilding Ceremony, football scrimmage, and Opening Convocation.

For more information about Moundbuilder Check-In, visit online at www.sckans.edu/student-services/check-in/ or call Admissions (new students) at (620) 229-6236 or Adrienne Wyatt (returning students) at (620) 229-6092.
