ACPD releases results of holiday DUI traffic enforcement campaign


The Ark City Police Department released results of its holiday DUI traffic enforcement campaign Wednesday.

The “New Year’s Taking Down DUI” campaign, which ran from Dec. 26-Jan. 2 via overtime saturation patrols to target impaired drivers, resulted in one DUI arrest, two child-restraint citations, three speeding tickets and 34 other citations and arrests, according to the ACPD.

The campaign resulted in officers conducting a total of 22 enforcement stops.

“The driving force behind enforcement campaigns like this is, first and foremost, to save lives and reduce injury on our Kansas roads,” Interim Chief Jim Holloway said. “While this campaign may be over, our agency will always be ready to educate and enforce Kansas traffic safety laws.”

The New Year’s Taking Down DUI traffic enforcement campaign was supported by a Kansas Department of Transportation grant.