Ark City will get funding from the state to resurface 166 from Ark River Bridge to 8th


The City of Arkansas City was recently informed that its application for a Surface Preservation project has been selected for funding as part of the Kansas Department of Transportation state fiscal year 2026 City Connecting Link Improvement Program.

KDOT has allocated $400,000 for construction and construction engineering for the mill and overlay, pavement patching, and pavement marking on US-166 (West Madison Avenue) from the Arkansas River bridge to 8th Street.

The city must contribute at least 10 percent plus any amount exceeding the allocated funds. It will also be responsible for all preliminary engineering, right-of-way, and utility costs. (Continue story below ads.)

“This funding is a significant step forward in our efforts to improve the infrastructure in Arkansas City,” said City Manager Randy Frazer. “The improvements to West Madison Avenue will enhance safety and accessibility for our residents and visitors. We appreciate KDOT’s support and look forward to completing this project.”