The City of Arkansas City has announced upcoming road and bridge work.
City officials anticipates the beginning phases of the 15th Street bridge replacement to start on May 1.
The $451,491 project is partially funded by monies provided by the Kansas Local Bridge Improvement Program and will replace the outdated 15th Street Bridge located north of Proffer Lane.
“The City previously applied for and was selected to receive up to $150,000 under the Fiscal Year 2021 Kansas Local Bridge Improvement Program,” Municipal Project Manager Nick Rizzio said in a news release from the City Tuesday. “The State of Kansas will reimburse the City 90 percent of the cost, with the 10 percent coming from the City.”
The project’s timeline is 60 working days and will be completed by B&B Bridge Co.
In additional road work, members of the Street Department have been working at the intersections of First Street and Madison Avenue, removing the brick and adding a 15-foot concrete skirt to handle heavier traffic.
The project will support the mill and overlay on Madison from Summit Street to 8th Street, which is expected to begin in late May.