The City of Winfield announced Thursday crews have begun electric meter changeouts.
According to the City, customers may see crews entering their property to access meters. All crews will be wearing City of Winfield clothing and have City of Winfield identification badges.
Crews will knock on the door of the property before attempting the changeout and will leave a door hanger notifying you of the change. There will be temporary power interruption of 15-20 seconds.
“The project is aimed at improving operational efficiencies and customer service,” the City said in the comments of its Facebook post announcing the changeouts. “As part of the improvements, customers will have an online portal they can visit to see their usage. The new system will collect, measure and analyze utility usage through an automated system that will be connected to city offices.
“The new system will be able to provide analytical data, such as voltage and power quality, that will optimize network performance and prevent potential outages. The project will later include replacement of water and natural gas meters as well.”
For questions, please call the City of Winfield Operations Center 620-221-5600.