Hettenbach presented with ‘Officer of the Year’ award by Ark City VFW


The Ark City VFW named Dylan Hettenbach of the Arkansas City Police Department as its recipient of the VFW Officer of the Year Award.

Hettenbach was presented the award during Tuesday’s Ark City commission meeting.

“We appreciate VFW Post 1254 for recognizing Officer Hettenbach’s dedication and commitment to public safety,” ACPD Interim Chief Jim Holloway said via a news release on the honor from the police department. “We are proud of his outstanding achievements and contributions to our community. Congratulations, Officer Hettenbach.”

Officer Hettenbach was nominated for the award for his productivity and demonstrated teamwork, the news release said.


During the presentation, Ark City VFW Commander Cravens highlighted Hettenbach’s performance, including his role in solving a significant car burglary case and his acceptance into the Southern Kansas SWAT team within just one year of joining the ACPD.
