This Thanksgiving, the Arkansas City Police Department urges all Kansans to prioritize seatbelt use.
“If wearing your seatbelt isn’t already a habit, now is the time to start a life-saving tradition,” Police Captain Jason Legleiter said.
From today, Nov. 21 through December 1, 2024, the Arkansas City Police Department will join law enforcement agencies across the state, including the Kansas Highway Patrol, for the Kansas Thanksgiving Safe Arrival traffic enforcement campaign.
“While all Kansas traffic laws will be enforced during this time, special emphasis will be placed on occupant protection laws,” Legleiter said. “Buckling up saves lives. This campaign aims to enforce seatbelt laws and educate drivers and passengers on the critical importance of seatbelt use.”
Said police officials in a written statement: Don’t be a turkey this Thanksgiving. Buckle up—every trip, every time. It’s your best defense in the event of a crash. Please do it for yourself and the people who care about you.
This campaign is supported by a Kansas Department of Transportation grant.